“Divine Rescue”10ml大小附滾珠的瓶身,非常方便放入包包攜帶使用,出門在外時舉凡暈車、擦撞的淤傷、突然的腹痛或頭痛、感覺身體緊繃時,這一瓶“Divine Rescue”真的是我的急救瓶,推薦給身邊的朋友使用後,也都得到很不錯的評價,這次也特別推薦給對阿卡莎花精產品有興趣的網友們。
“Divine Rescue”如同心靈的急救瓶,高品質薰衣草精油的氣味清新,自古以來被視為淨化與鎮定的聖品。其界於陰陽之間的中性特質,能平衡起伏的情緒與日常壓力,並承載我們的憂慮,使困境能被帶入愛與平靜之中。
“Divine Rescue” 能鎮定不適。當我們茫然失去自我主張時,它放鬆我們的思緒與極端的念頭,並且帶來內在的平衡。使我們自由流動與思緒清晰。我們能夠放下無關緊要的,亦讓下一步變得更為明朗。
“Divine Rescue”淨化頭腦,使我們再度感到寬闊。在睡前讓一整天的思緒放下,使身體能潛入寧靜之中並再度更新。
“Divine Rescue”能快速地帶領我們回到自己的内心。您可以隨身攜帶作為心靈的急救瓶,並在您因壓力、驚嚇、疼痛而緊繃時立即使用它。同樣的情況,需要專注與清醒時(例如在工作),使用“Divine Rescue”的滾珠瓶也總是容易且相當實用。
使用“Divine Rescue”來按摩頭部和頸部時非常舒服,能放鬆肩膀並使頭腦清醒。可輕柔的塗抹按摩眉心輪(額頭中央)、太陽穴、頸部、太陽神經叢(上腹部)、輕點在手臂內彎曲處
成份(10 ml附滾珠):
薰衣草油,荷荷巴油* (芳樟醇,香葉醇作為自然成份的香精油) *純粹有機成份
每瓶售價:$1,300NT(訂購諮詢請洽ciela1209@gmail.com) 外縣市超商取貨運費$50NT
Divine Rescue
Oil for Body and Ssoul (Roll-On)
Oil for Body and Ssoul (Roll-On)
„Divine Rescue “is a rescue for the soul. The fresh scent of the fine lavender oil cleans and cleanses. Its thorough cleaning power is ancient knowledge. “Divine Rescue” is in neutral position between Yin and Yang and it is therefore so balancing when our emotions influence us so much or when we want to escape everyday’s stress. “Divine Rescue” encases our anxieties so that we are able to include them in our love and calm down.
“Divine Rescue” also soothes when we are in distress. It relaxes our thoughts when we loose our selves in ruminations or cannot come to a decision. Then it loosens desperate thoughts and brings back the inner balance. This makes us free and clear thinking. We let go of the irrelevant and the next steps become visible for us.
“Divine Rescue” empties the mind, cleanses and makes us wide again. Before going to sleep we can let go what was on our mind during the day and the body can submerge in peace and regeneration.
“Divine Rescue” quickly leads back to our own inner center. You can always carry it with you as a rescue for your soul and use it immediately when you are tensed by stress, shock or pain. The same applies in situations when concentration and clearness is important (such as on the job) As a roll-on stick “Divine Rescue” is always easy and practical to use.
Advice! Massaging the head and neck with “Divine Rescue” is very relaxing, unburdens the shoulders and clears the head.
Application recommendation:
Apply the oil to the temples and massage in softly.
Apply a dot onto the third eye in the middle of your forehead.
Apply the oil to the neck and massage in.
Apply the oil to the solar plexus.
Put some oil into the crook of each arm.
Please avoid contact of the oil with the eyes.
Content (10 ml roll-on):
Lavender oil, Jojoba oil* (Linalool, Geraniol as natural ingredients
of ethereal oils) * purely organic ingredients